How to Find Replica Sneakers

Boris Dzhingarov

When shopping for new sneakers, it’s important to know how to spot fakes and the differences between a fake and the real deal. These fake sneakers can include Air Jordans, Yeezys, and New Balances, to name a few. Luckily, there are many ways to tell if a shoe is a fake. Read on to learn more about this issue. This article was written for people who love to buy the latest in sneakers, so keep these tips in mind and don’t let the hype fool you.


When you’re buying a new pair of Yeezy sneakers, it’s important to know how to spot fakes and authentic Yeezys. The first sign of a fake is the SPLV-350 label and its placement on the shoe. Fake Yeezys have different labeling with the letters or numbers missing. Another giveaway is the straight stitching of the shoe, a sign of an authentic pair. You should also look for the squares on either side of the “X” – a sign of a real pair.

Air Jordans

There are a couple ways to spot replica sneakers of the iconic Air Jordan sneakers. The most obvious is the name – “Jordan” in curved script. The Jumpman logo should also be present on the back of the shoe near the heel. Lastly, you should look for the stitching on the heel strap. A replica will often only have one stitch on the heel strap. If these factors are lacking, you should keep searching.

Air Force 1s

If you’re a sneaker fanatic, you might be wondering how to spot a fake Air Force 1 sneaker. There are several ways to identify these fake sneakers. First, check for the box and packaging. If the box is red, the sneaker is not authentic. Instead, it will be a black or gray box. Look for an embossed AF1 logo and text on the inner lining paper. It will also have a different colour and thin text.

New Balances

Replica New Balance sneakers are easily identifiable by their different letters and colors. Moreover, you can tell a fake from a real one by the size and letter. Besides, you can also check the QR code on the shoe’s tongue to ensure its authenticity. Moreover, fakes do not come with the New Balance logo stitched on the insole. So, how to spot a replica? Read on to find out!

Under Armours

You might wonder how to find Under Armours replica sneakers. The company is well known for making high quality athletic sneakers and other sports apparel. Founded by Kevin Plank in 1996, this brand was created to combat sweaty jerseys. To solve this problem, he brought netted material in shorts to be sold as tees. Today, Under Armours replica sneakers are extremely popular and are priced anywhere from 15% to 30% below the original price. Whether you are an athlete or a weekend warrior, replica Under Armours are perfect for long distance running.


If you are looking for a cheap way to get your favorite sneakers without breaking the bank, replica sneakers are the answer. While there are numerous imitations on the market, some of them are better than others. These sneaker reproductions are very popular and have been around for a while. Here are some tips for finding replica sneakers. To start, know the different grades. If you are looking for an exact 1:1 replica, choose AAA or true replicas.