How to Prevent and Treat Brittle Hair

Boris Dzhingarov

If your hair is prone to split ends and snaps, it may be brittle. This problem can make your hair appear thinner and flatter, and it can also make your hair look unkempt. It can be caused by a number of things, including diet, styling tools, pollution, and silicone buildup. If you’ve noticed your hair is becoming brittle, it may be time to try a strengthening hair product. Tough Cookie will help strengthen weak strands and stop breakage.


The first step to restoring your hair’s moisture and strength is to prevent it from becoming dry and brittle. You should avoid over-drying and exposure to extreme temperatures. This can leave your hair feeling dull and lifeless. The cold can also strip your hair of moisture, which can lead to frizz. Your hair will absorb water in the air and become swollen, which will give it a frizzy appearance.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies for brittle, dry hair. You can apply nourishing oils or masks to your hair to make it look and feel better. Other folk remedies include decoctions of medicinal plants or infusions of animal fats and honey. You can also add aloe to your hair to prevent split ends. When your hair becomes dry and brittle, it may be a sign of a larger underlying health problem.


Dullness of brittle hair is a condition caused by a variety of factors. It can result from exposure to harsh environmental conditions or daily activities that damage the hair. Fortunately, most cases of dull hair can be remedied with a good hair care routine. However, in some cases, medical treatment may be necessary. In these cases, a doctor will diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Typically, brittle hair is caused by a lack of moisture in the hair. The lack of moisture will cause your hair to look dull and lifeless. It will also look heavy and frizzy. Human hair has three layers, which are characterized by natural oils that protect the inner layers. If your hair is healthy, it has lustre and feels smooth and supple. However, as you age, your hair will lose moisture, leading to dullness and breakage.

Split ends

If you’re noticing split ends in your hair, you should take action right away. There are several causes of this problem. These include external factors, nutritional deficiencies, and genetics. Proper care will prevent split ends. To prevent them, you can use nourishing hair care products and oil your hair weekly.

Using deep conditioners and honey-based DIY hair masks will also help hydrate your hair. Nuts, such as walnuts or pecans, are also high in zinc and can help prevent split ends. Baby splits are smaller than regular split ends and signify that the problem is in the early stages.

Tight hairstyles

Tight hairstyles can damage the follicles, causing split ends and a receding hairline. Tight hairstyles can also cause headaches and stress to the scalp nerves. For these reasons, tight hairstyles should only be worn on occasion.

Tight hairstyles cause hair breakage, so try to avoid them. Use a low-tension hairstyle that’s easy to manage.

Heat styling

If you have damaged, brittle hair, it is crucial to limit heat styling to a minimum. Instead, air-dry your hair whenever possible to avoid damage. Try using microfiber towels to speed up the air-drying process. And remember to be gentle when drying your hair. This will help avoid breakage, tangles, and split ends.

Strong heat damages the hair shaft, causing it to become weaker and brittle. It can also lead to thinning and hair loss. In addition, damaged hair is more difficult to manage and styles. Often, you will also notice that the ends of your hair feel dry and brittle. Additionally, split ends can be difficult to control and can cause breakage.


Among the many things that women suffer from during menopause is brittle and thinning hair. This condition is often a symptom of a deficiency in iron, which is necessary for healthy hair during menopause. Iron boosts blood flow in the scalp and maintains hair follicles, preventing hair loss.

Hair grows at a different rate in different women. Approximately 80 percent of a woman’s hair is in a growth phase, while 1% is in a resting phase. The number of hairs a woman loses daily will vary, but it’s best to keep it between 70 and 100. Hair loss that goes beyond this number for several weeks may be a cause for concern.