Wearing ties is not as simple as some men tend to think. There are so many mistakes made mainly because of a lack of fashion knowledge. Most men simply go online and look for articles about how to do a tie knot but this is just the start. Below you can find the biggest mistakes men tend to make when they wear ties. Make sure that you do not make these at any cost.
A Poorly Tied Tie
For many this is basically the worst possible mistake that can be made. You will so often see ties that are going to be way too long or way too short. Knots can be flimsy looking and not filling gaps between collars. Knots that will show the tie’s narrow end should also be avoided.
Shortly Tied Neckties
You want to tie your tie so that it would end close to the belt buckle’s middle. When you tie it too short the entire look you go for is going to be affected. You have absolutely no excuse for making such a mistake. When you are tall and you have problems because of length, look for those designers that are offering the lengthier ties. XL sized ties are now much more available than in the past.
Novelty Ties That Are Kitschy
Let’s say Halloween is coming and you find a tie with a ghost and many pumpkins on it. It is a novelty so you buy it as a fashion statement. The truth in most cases is that the only fashion statement you make is that you do not know fashion. Ties that have a big picture on them should be avoided at all costs. The only situation when you can consider them is when there are some large holidays and you want to show support.
Clashing Patterns And Colors
Most men choose a wrong pattern or color for their ties and outfits. When looking at colors, you want to choose shades that would complement the suit or the shirt. When you are in doubt, wear charcoal suits or dark navy suits, add a white shirt and then you can wear any color with your tie. You can also focus on your personality for some choices but make sure that colors and patterns are appropriate first.
Stained Or Wrinkled Ties
A necktie is almost always a focal point in your outfit. If it is stained, you will not look great and it is normally better to just take it off. When looking at the wrinkle tie, the big problem is that you cannot really wash or iron your ties. This is why it is a very good idea to choose a really good fabric and that you untie your tie right after you wear it. Do rotate your ties and avoid wearing one for multiple days in a row.
A Wring Tie Width
You want to have a tie width that is suitable to your dress shirt, body type, tie knot and suit. Skinny ties as an example are really trendy but will look really bad when you wear them with wide lapelled boxy cut suits.