For many people, an engagement ring will be the largest and most important purchase they have made in their lives thus far. It’s significant not only because of the price attached but also because it represents a momentous milestone. It is a way for you to show your partner how much they mean to you.
Birthstones are a great option for engagement rings. They add an extra layer of meaning to an already sentimental gift, and they show the level of thought and care that has gone into the purchase.
Indeed, picking birthstone jewelry does involve a little more effort and knowledge. Read on to learn everything you need to know.
1. Different Stones Have Different Values
Before you embark down the road of buying a birthstone engagement ring, you should be aware that not all birthstones are created equal. Different birthstones carry different values. This is something to keep in mind when deciding whether this is a purchase that makes financial sense for you.
For example, the July birthstone, ruby, is the most expensive, while January’s garnet is the least. For a full guide on valuable birthstones see here.
2. The Cut You Choose Is Key
As all birthstones are different, they will each be suited to different cuts. You should keep this in mind when designing your engagement ring. For example, opal, October’s birthstone, is best suited to a round cut. Meanwhile, April’s birthstone, diamond can carry off many different cuts.
3. Some Months Have Multiple Stones
Another thing to be aware of is that some months have multiple birthstones. June, August, October, and November all have two. December has three!
If this is the case in the month of your significant other, you should choose the one you think they would like best. Consider the type of jewelry they have bought in the past and work from there.
4. Learn the Meaning Behind the Stone
One of the nicest things about birthstones is that each one has its own meaning. If you’re creating a birthstone jewelry ring, it’s important to know the meaning behind the stone.
This shows that you’ve done your research, and you’ll be able to tell your partner about it when you give them the ring. It can also be helpful if you’re trying to decide between two birthstones in one of the multiple birthstone months.
5. Be Sure It’s Something They’ll Cherish
While the obvious choice is to pick a birthstone that corresponds to the birth month of your significant other, this is not always necessarily the best option. It could so happen that your partner dislikes their birthstone or much prefers another.
You want to be sure their engagement ring is something they will really love, so it is always worth checking what they think of their birthstone, to be sure. If they dislike it, you could always choose another month, such as the one you first met in, or when you plan to propose.
Picking Birthstone Jewelry Made Easy
While picking birthstone jewelry does require some preparation and knowledge, at the end of the day, it should be an enjoyable experience. Just do your best to get a ring they’ll love, and you can’t go too far wrong.
If you’ve found this guide helpful, check out the rest of our jewelry buying content.