What Makeup Should You Use When You Need To Deal With Acne Scars?

Boris Dzhingarov

What Makeup Should You Use When You Need To Deal With Acne Scars

makeup With Acne ScarsUnfortunately, we never really know when acne is going to make our life really bad. Pimple picking just makes everything a lot worse. You do not have to be a teenager in order to have problems with acne. Anyone can be affected and when it hits you, it is usually unexpected.

As you are faced with acne scars, the first thing that comes to mind is using makeup. The problem is that many beauty products and techniques you use for application will draw attention to the scars instead of helping you reach your goal: minimizing appearance.

If you deal with acne and you want to improve appearance with good makeup and beauty products, remember the following.

Always Use Prime

Before applying any makeup you have to use prime. It is really important that the complexion is prepared with the use of primer that is going to smooth problem areas. Many options are available but if you have acne scars, find something that is suitable for your skin tone and that is easy to apply. Your goal in this case is to fill scarring as the face is brightened.

This Is Not The Time For Glowing

So many love using the makeup formulas with much dewiness or luminosity. Alternatively, it is popular to use high shimmer content in order to bring out facial texture. The problem is that when you opt for such beauty formulas you are faced with a huge problem since the difference present between raised skin due to scarring and flat skin will be even more visible. Everything that is glowy will cause problems, including the really popular highlighters.

When dealing with acne scars the best thing you can do is to focus on matte products. They are great since they absorb light and soften texture area appearance.

Use Highlighter In A Selective Way

Some selective use of glow-giving makeup products is never a bad idea as long as you do it right. Even if you are dealing with acne scars that are really visible you can utilize highlighter if you use it in a sparring way. Do not dust highlight power over the face. Try to focus on areas that you particularly want to properly accentuate. Highlighter should always be avoided on all facial areas that you want no attention on.

Avoid Buffing Strokes

These need to be avoided because they will make some skin bits turn towards a prominent appearance, leading towards the grainy effect you surely do not want. Pressing and stippling motions are important since they need to meld product with skin in order to fill deep scarring. Press foundation into those spots that require the highest coverage.

Choose Proper Cover-Up

Similarly to the foundation, the cover-up needs to be highly pigmented and matte. Using something that is opaque is a good idea since it can easily smooth out skin texture unevenness. Your goal is basically to fill deep scarring parts. Just make sure you will use a suitable brush that allows you to seamlessly press the cover-up product into your skin.

Color Correctors

If there are some marks that are specifically stubborn, they can end up showing through concealers. This is why you want to consider color correction. As an example, you can consider a concealer with a peach tone under the regular concealer you use in order to cancel the dark spots.